The Dallas Chapter of PFLAG was formerly organized August 7, 1992.

Our Vision

PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed inclusive of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.

Our Mission

Our mission is to build on a foundation of loving families united with LGBTQ+ people and allies who support one another, and to educate ourselves and our communities to speak up as advocates until all hearts and minds respect, value and affirm LGBTQ+ people.

Our Values

  • We believe that lives are transformed by unconditional love. To help people achieve this, we recognize we must exercise compassion for ourselves and others willing to take the journey toward love and acceptance.
  • We believe in the responsibility of leading by example. As leaders, we work to join together as families, allies and LGBTQ+ people to fulfill our shared vision to achieve full legal equality and societal inclusion.  To do this, we commit to listening, supporting and responding in building relationships with those we serve.
  • We believe that the things that make us diverse are what makes us powerful. To ensure that we are being inclusive and respectful of everyone we serve, we commit to listening, learning and engaging with diverse communities.  We believe true inclusion means to meet others where they are on their journey, acknowledging and embracing their stories.
  • We believe that we are all measured by our words and actions. We commit to empowering people in our communities to join together to transform the places where they live. In partnership with others, we are united to advocate for change toward full equality.  This involves supporting local LGBTQ+ organizations and involvement in local LGBTQ+ oriented events.  While we are not a political organization, we support legislative change on a local and state wide basis.
  • We believe learning is the key to positive change and inclusion. Therefore, we commit to providing and involving ourselves in ongoing learning opportunities to continually broaden our worldview, overcome misinformation and bias, in order to live our values.

What We Do

  • We support LGBTQ+ people, their families and friends with help lines, support group meetings and locally and nationally produced resources.
  • We educate families and caring individuals on sexual orientation, gender identity and LGBTQ+ issues. PFLAG provides fair and accurate information about LGBTQ+ people and their loved ones.
  • We advocate for equal rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and others on the LGBTQ+ spectrum. PFLAG works to achieve equal civil rights and social justice for all people, including our LGBTQ+ loved ones.

For Families and Friends

Your first reaction to learning that your loved one is gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning can range from anger to sadness, fear to hurt, confusion to grief, and anywhere and everything in between.  These emotions and experiences are normal.

PFLAG is here to help you.  Our members are parents, families and friends of LGBTQ+ people and LGBTQ+ people themselves.  We have been through much of what you are now feeling.  We listen.  We understand.

For Straight Allies

If you or someone you know is straight and wants to support LGBTQ+ communities, join in the fight for equality, or just learn more about these issues, you’ve come to the right place.  PFLAG needs your help.  You are welcome to come to our chapter meetings and encourage to get as involved as you can.

For LGBTQ+ People

People who are LGBTQ+ are welcome to attend meetings.  Some want to help friends and families better understand sexual orientation and gender identity, while others may want to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights.  We offer our support and unconditional love to people at any point in their journey.